Mile Two Church Inc. Class Action - Click Here
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Mile Two Church Inc. Class Action

Scharfstein LLP are representing the claimants which include:

  • Former students who attended the School now known as Legacy Christian Academy, which was previously known as Christian Centre Academy, in the City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; and
  • Former minor attendees of the Church now known as Mile Two Church, previously known as Saskatoon Christian Centre.

The Statement of Claim was issued on August 8, 2022. The next step will be collecting information, and certification of the claim as a class action on behalf of all minors who attended Legacy Christian Academy, Christian Centre Academy, Saskatoon Christian Centre, and/or Mile Two Church from 1982 to present.

If you are a former student of Legacy Christian Academy, Christian Centre Academy, or attended Mile Two Church or Saskatoon Christian Centre while you were a minor, and experienced or observed sexual, physical, emotional and/or spiritual abuse and want to join this class action, please contact us by completing our intake form below. Please complete the intake form and either drop it off at our office, or email the completed electronic form to Chelsey Kuspira at By submitting this form you authorize us to contact you in relation to the class action.

If you wish to disclose additional information after submitting our Intake and Assessment Form, feel free to do so by submitting additional information in electronic form to Chelsey Kuspira at You may do so by completing another Intake and Assessment Form. If you do, please indicate that you have previously submitted an Intake and Assessment Form.

Intake forms are an important element of collecting information to ensure that the Statement of Claim covers all of the abusive conducted against children at the Mile Two Church, in both the church and school. Information will not be shared outside of our office without the express permission of the person who provided it. When we request permission to use the information we will also advise of the purpose for which the information will be used or shared.

Download Form

Latest Developments

August 8, 2022

A Statement of Claim was issued, commencing a claim against Mile Two Church Inc., and the following employees, agents and representatives of Mile Two Church Inc.: Keith Johnson, John Olubobokun, Ken Schultz, Nathan Rysavy, Duff Friesen, Lynette Wheeler, Joel Hall, Fran Thevenot, Lou Brunelle, James Randall, Tracey Johnson, Simbo Olubobokun, Elaine Schultz, Catherine Randall, Kevin MacMillan, Anne MacMillan, Dawn Beaudry, Nathan Schultz, Aaron Benneweis, Deidre Benneweis, Stephanie Case, and other presently unidentified John Does and Jane Does.

August 19, 2022

The Saskatchewan Advocate for Children and Youth released a Statement that they are “troubled by allegations of abuse in the Legacy Christian Schools”. To access the Media Release from the Saskatchewan Advocate for Children and Youth website please follow this link:

Children’s Advocate Media Release

August 22, 2022

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Education has appointed administrators to three Qualified Independent Schools. To access the Media Release from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education website please follow this link:

Ministry of Education Media Release

August 26, 2022

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Education has announced that Grace Christian School’s director “refused to cooperate” with the appointed Administrator and therefore “the Minister of Education cancelled Grace Christian School’s Certificate of Registration in the public interest as the Director is a named defendant in the current litigation.”

August 30, 2022

The Saskatchewan Advocate for Children and Youth have opened an investigation into “Services and Oversight in Registered Independent Schools”. To access the Media Release from the Saskatchewan Advocate for Children and Youth website please follow this link:

Children’s Advocate Media Release


September 2, 2022

Living Skies Regional Council, being the United Church of Canada in the treaty territories of Saskatchewan, issued a statement regarding recent abuses in Saskatchewan Christian institutions. This statement can be found at the following link:

Living Skies Regional Council Statement

October 24, 2022

The Honourable Mr. Justice N. Bardai has been appointed as the certification Judge in this action.

November 25, 2022

Living Skies Regional Council, being the United Church of Canada in the treaty territories of Saskatchewan, issued an open letter regarding Legacy Christian Academy and Associated Threats and Violence. This open letter can be found at the following link:

Living Skies Regional Council Open Letter

December 12, 2022

The Statement of Claim in this matter has been amended to include the following new parties as defendants in this action: Darcy Schuster, Randy Donauer, John Thuringer, and The Government of Saskatchewan.

February 3, 2023

News Reports have confirmed that Aaron Benneweis is the individual that was arrested and charged with sexual assault and sexual exploitation of a minor while in a position of trust or authority arising from his time as Athletic Director with Christian Centre Academy.

Saskatoon Police Service News Release

June 15, 2023

News Reports have confirmed that Duff Friesen is the individual that was arrested and charged with 11 counts of Assault with a Weapon arising from an investigation into historical assaults with faith-based affiliations. Duff Friesen was a teacher and principal at Christian Centre Academy before serving as principal at Regent Academy in Prince Albert.

Saskatoon Police Service News Release


June 22, 2023

News Reports have confirmed that John Olubobokun is the individual that was arrested and charged with 12 counts of Assault with a Weapon arising from an investigation into historical assaults with faith-based affiliations.

Saskatoon Police Service News Release

July 25, 2023

News Reports have confirmed that Ken Schultz is the individual that was arrested and charged with Sexual Assault and Assault with a Weapon arising from an investigation into historical assaults with faith-based affiliations.

Saskatoon Police Service News Release

October 5, 2023

Aaron Benneweis, former Athletic Director of Christian Centre Academy, has pleaded guilty to sexual assault and sexual exploitation (while in a position of trust and authority as a teacher).

October 31, 2023

November 6, 2023

The Statement of Claim against Stephanie Case has been discontinued.

December 12, 2023

The Saskatchewan Advocate for Children and Youth have released a Special Report entitled “Making the Grade – Moving Forward in Independent Education”. To access the Special Report from the Saskatchewan Advocate for Children and Youth website please follow this link:

Making the Grade – Moving Forward in Independent Education

January 18, 2024

Aaron Benneweis, former Athletic Director of Christian Centre Academy, has been sentenced to 2 years less a day for sexual assault and sexual exploitation (while in a position of trust and authority as a teacher).

February 5, 2024

The Statement of Claim against Fran Thevenot has been discontinued.

February 21, 2024

The Statement of Claim against Tracey Johnson has been discontinued.

April 25, 2024

The Statement of Claim against Anne MacMillan has been discontinued.

April 26, 2024

The Statement of Claim against Catherine Randall and Deidre Benneweis has been discontinued.

April 29, 2024

The Statement of Claim against Simbo Olubobokun has been discontinued.

May 15, 2024

The Honourable Justice R.C. Wempe has replaced the Honourable Justice N. Bardai as the certification Judge in this action following Justice N. Bardai’s appointment to the Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan.

July 8, 2024

The hearing of the applications for further and better particulars by various defendants, as well as the application by Mile Two Church compelling disclosure of certain documentation related to the discontinuance of this action against certain defendants, has been scheduled for January 6-10, 2025.


Statement of Claim

View Document

Substitutional Service Order (Johnson)

View Document

Appointment of Certification Judge - Order

View Document

Amended Statement of Claim

View Document

Request for Particulars (Thuringer)

View Document

Notice of Application (Delay Defences)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (Thuringer)

View Document

Request for Particulars (Government of Saskatchewan)

View Document

Fiat - Procedural Order

View Document

Request for Particulars (T Johnson)

View Document

Opening Noting for Default - Order

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (Government of Saskatchewan)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (T Johnson)

View Document

Second Amended Statement of Claim

View Document

Substitutional Service Fiat (Johnson)

View Document

Substitutional Service Order (Johnson)

View Document

Defences Not Required Prior to Certification Hearing - Fiat

View Document

Defences Not Required Prior to Certification Hearing - Order

View Document

Request For Particulars (Brunelle)

View Document

Request For Particulars (Rysavy)

View Document

Request For Particulars (A Benneweis)

View Document

Request For Particulars (D Benneweis)

View Document

Request For Particulars (T Johnson)

View Document

Request For Particulars (C Randall)

View Document

Request For Particulars (Thevenot)

View Document

Request For Particulars (J Olubobokun)

View Document

Request For Particulars (S Olubobokun)

View Document

Request For Particulars (K Schultz)

View Document

Request For Particulars (Mile Two Church)

View Document

Request For Particulars (Donauer)

View Document

Request For Particulars (A MacMillan)

View Document

Request For Particulars (K MacMillan)

View Document

Request For Particulars (Friesen)

View Document

Request For Particulars (J Randall)

View Document

Request For Particulars (Hall)

View Document

Request For Particulars (Schuster)

View Document

Discontinuance of Claim (Case)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (A Benneweis)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (D Benneweis)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (A MacMillan)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (K MacMillan)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (C Randall)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (J Randall)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (Schuster)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (Friesen)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (Thevenot)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (Hall)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (J Olubobokun)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (S Olubobokun)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (K Schultz)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (Brunelle)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (Mile Two Church)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (Rysavy)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (Donauer)

View Document

Reply to Request for Particulars (T Johnson)

View Document

Discontinuance of Claim (Thevenot)

View Document

Discontinuance of Claim (T Johnson)

View Document

Affidavit of Randy Donauer

View Document

Notice of Application (Mile Two Church)

View Document

Brief of Law (Mile Two Church)

View Document

Notice of Application (C Randall)

View Document

Notice of Application (J Randall)

View Document

Notice of Application (Friesen)

View Document

Notice of Application (K Schultz)

View Document

Notice of Application (A Benneweis)

View Document

Notice of Application (D Benneweis)

View Document

Notice of Application (Hall)

View Document

Notice of Application (J Olubobokun)

View Document

Notice of Application (K MacMillan)

View Document

Notice of Application (Brunelle)

View Document

Notice of Application (Rysavy)

View Document

Notice of Application (Donauer)

View Document

Notice of Application (S Olubobokun)

View Document

Notice of Application (A MacMillan)

View Document

Notice of Application (GOS)

View Document

Fiat - Procedural Order

View Document

Affidavit of Caitlin Erickson

View Document

Discontinuance of Claim (A MacMillan)

View Document

Discontinuance of Claim (C Randall)

View Document

Discontinuance of Claim (D Benneweis)

View Document

Discontinuance of Claim (S Olubobokun)

View Document

Brief of Law (Plaintiffs)

View Document

Appointment of New Certification Judge - Fiat

View Document

Fiat - Procedural Order

View Document

Notice of Application (Mile Two)

View Document

Affidavit of Bryan Reynolds

View Document


What is a class action?

A Class Action is a special type of lawsuit that has a representative plaintiff or plaintiffs that are named in the lawsuit as the complainants but represent a much larger group of complainants. A Class Action lawsuit allows a group of complainants that have suffered the same kind of harm or damages arising out of similar circumstances to band together and make a single claim against the alleged wrongdoer or wrongdoers, instead of each complainant having to make individual claims against the alleged wrongdoer or wrongdoers.


What does certification mean?

After a Statement of Claim has been filed with the Court in a Class Action lawsuit, the next step is to have the Class Action “certified”. The certification process is one where the Court provides some oversight and determines if the complainants are sufficiently related, and the lawsuit is appropriate to proceed by way of the Class Action process. This process usually takes several months or even years, and the Statement of Claim, including who makes up the proposed “classes” of plaintiffs, can go through several changes as directed by the Court.


How do I know if I am a Class Member?

The best way to determine if you are a member of one of the classes of plaintiffs is to fill out the Intake Form and provide it to Scharfstein LLP. The determination of the class members will include a review of your personal information and the “class” descriptions approved through the certification process.


Can I opt out of a class action and pursue an independent claim?

Yes. Any person that qualifies as a “class” member can choose to opt out of this class action and choose to proceed against any or all of the defendants by themselves through the regular Court process. The requirements for opting out of this class action, including timelines etc., will be determined through the certification process.


Will there be any cost to class members for legal fees?

One of the major benefits of a Class Action lawsuit is that class members are not required to pay any upfront fees or other costs associated with the case. Class actions are often handled on a contingency fee basis. This means that the lawyers for the class only get paid if the lawsuit is successful (i.e., if a settlement is reached or a favourable verdict is achieved at trial). Lawyers representing the class will be paid a portion of the recovery. The terms of payment, fee structure, and other matters must be in writing and mutually agreed upon by the class counsel and the representative plaintiffs. Court approval of the agreement is also required.
